
Recent Research & Publication

Dr. Neha Shukla

  • Employee Job Satisfaction and Job Performance A Study in The Healthcare Sector in Delhi NCR in European Economic Letters; ISSN 2323-5233; Oct-23
  • Exploring The Benefits of Online Training for Healthcare Professionals in Delhi NCR in Journal of Informatics Education and Research; ISSN: 1526-4726; Mar-24 https://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/626
  • Role of NEP in Reskilling the Youth for Reaping Demographic Dividend in India: A Critical Analysis in Journal of Indian Education; ISSN: 0377-0435; Oct-21 https://ncert.nic.in/pdf/publication/journalsandperiodicals/journalofindianeducation/JIE-Nov-2020.pdf
  • Role Of NEP In Reskilling the Youth For Reaping Demographic Dividend In India- A Critical Analysis In Journal Of Indian Education; ISSN: 0377-0435; Nov-20
  • The dynamics the green HRM: present future perspective in Shodh sanchar bulletin; ISSN 2229 3620; Jun-20