
Recent Research & Publication

Dr. Navneet Joshi

  • Sustainable Development Goals through Higher Educational Institutions: From Formulation to Attainment in South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM); ISSN: 0971-5428; 2022
  • Enhancing Human Productivity Through Human Resource Management Techniques in EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) ISSN: 2455-3662; Nov-22 https://eprajournals.com/IJMR/article/9656
  • A Study on Identifying Emerging Indian Exports Opportunities of Apparel of South Korea in South Korea; ISSN: 0975-4520; Jul-21
  • Development, Execution & Post Execution of A Proposal for Faculty Development Program Under ATAL: A Case Study of Management Institute in Kala Sarovar; ISSN 0975-4520 ;2022
  • What next after Corona? Covid-19 impact in Education Domain in Journal of Chengdu University of Technology; ISSN: 1671-9727; 2022
  • Family Business in Pune: The Challenge of Sustainability in Juni Khayat Journal; ISSN: 2278-4632; Feb'22
  • A CASE STUDY ON CREATING CUSTOMER VALUE IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT in EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD); ISSN: 2455-7838; Jul-20 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343089322_A_CASE_STUDY_ON_CREATING_CUSTOMER_VALUE_IN_SUPPLY_CHAIN_MANAGEMENT
  •  Business Analytics: Organizational Fitness vs. Adaptability in AEGAEUM Journal; ISSN : 0776-3808;  Aug-20
  • http://aegaeum.com/VOLUME-8-ISSUE-8-2020/
  • Covid Affect: Why the Paradigms Shift From Growth to Sustainability? In Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Sciences & Humanities;  ISSN 2278-3199; Jul-20