
Recent Research & Publication

Ms. Mansi Arora Madan

  • Chat-Gpt: Plagiarizing the Future in ICRC; ISSN :2345-3425; Jan-24
  • https://www.caseresearchaima.in/frontend/product_display/1572
  • The Changing Face of Media Houses with Use of Mobile Phones: Literature Review in Manthan-Journal of Commerce and Management; ISSN: 2347-4440; Dec-20
  • https://www.journalpressindia.com/manthan-journal-of-commerce-and-management/doi/10.17492/jpi.manthan.v7i2.722018&
  • Health Values and Perceived Behavioural Control as Antecedents of Millennial's Health Consciousness And Behaviour Intentions Towards Healthy Food Choices in International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology; ISSN 2005 4238; Jun-20
  • http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27356