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JIMS Sports Club Organised JIMS CROSSFIT GAMES 2021

Warriors - The Sports Club of JIMS organized JIMS CROSSFIT GAMES 2021 on 5th June, 2021.  

JIMS Rohini
JIMS Rohini

In first round students were asked to do push-ups in pairs and the one making it closest to 50 push-ups in a minute qualified for second round and other one got eliminated. In 2nd round of squats one with closest to 40 Squats qualified further to 3rd round and other one got eliminated. 3rd round comprised of Barpees and the one making closest to 30 qualified for the final round in which all those who qualified were supposed to hold for as long as they can hold in correct plank position. The one who could hold till end were declared as winners. First position was bagged by Harsh Sharma (BBA 1st year, 1st shift student) and Sourav Singh (BCA 2nd year, 1st shift student) bagged First Position. This event was organized by Student Coordinators, Sumit Masiwal (BBA 3rd Year), Dhruv Bhatia (BBA 1st Year), Omansh (MCA 2nd year) and Yashita (BCA 2nd Year) under the guidance of Faculty. The main aim to organize this event was to motivate and inspire students to not only exercise to compete in this event but to regularly do these exercises in future as well to stay fit and healthy during this Pandemic situation. 
